
Terms & Conditions


It is a condition of provision of services by Freemind (or the “Practice”) that you, undersigned as “the Client” review, fully understand, absorb and sign this document prior to the session.

This document contains important information about Freemind professional services and business policies. It details privacy protections, client rights and provisions, and explains how this Practice uses and handles your Personal Information for the purposes of the session, payment and health care operations. Although these documents are long and sometimes complex, it is very important that you understand them.

Waiver of Liability

Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) has benefits and risks. Risks may include experiencing uncomfortable feelings, such as sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration, loneliness, or helplessness, because the process may require discussing the unpleasant aspects of your life. RTT® has been shown to have benefits for many individuals and often leads to a significant reduction in feelings of distress, increased satisfaction in interpersonal relationships, greater personal awareness and insight, increased skills for managing stress, and resolutions to specific problems. However, there are no guarantees about what will happen. RTT® requires active -participation on your part, and to be most successful, you will have to work on things we discuss outside of sessions, such as listening to the recording for at least 1 month.

RTT® is not the practice of medicine, psychology or psychiatry, and is not in any way intended to be a replacement or substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any complaint or ailment. Ling Jin does not practice medicine and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment. No service or product is intended to treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.

*Persons with an ailment or physical complaint are to see their physician first for treatment, and make use of RTT® as an adjunct to medical treatment. Persons with mental disabilities or mental illnesses should seek psychiatric care. RTT® employs and teaches skills for self-improvement; therefore its effectiveness depends on the client and no guarantee can be made regarding the results of their use. Individual results may vary.

I have been advised that I am free to terminate a session at any time and have agreed to participate in each session to the best of my ability.

When listening to hypnosis recordings, do so in a safe place, preferably where you will not be disturbed for the duration of your recording. Never listen to recordings or practice self-hypnosis while driving in a car, operating machinery, or doing anything else that requires your attention for safety reasons.

I understand that in some cases it may be necessary for my practitioner to respectfully touch my shoulder,

hand, wrist, or forehead in order to assist me in relaxation and give my practitioner my consent to do so in order to help me establish a beneficial state of hypnosis.

Understanding this, except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless Ling Jin and all practitioners associated with Freemind from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).


Any information, written, recorded or verbally communicated about you with Freemind will be appropriately secured. Freemind will not disclose anything about you, or share your data or information with anyone without your express consent unless under very specific circumstances it’s legally obliged to do so.

Those specific circumstances are as follows:

1) The Client or someone they mention is in real and immediate danger of being seriously harmed by the Client;

2) The Client has the genuine and immediate intent to commit a serious crime;

3) There is a chance the Client will be involved in the serious neglect or harm of a child; or where

4) For whatever reason Freemind or one of its Rapid Transformational Practitioners are formally directed by a Court of Law to do so.

Your Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner will make every effort to keep your personal information private. If you wish to have information released, you will be required to sign a consent form before such information will be released.

There are some limitations to confidentiality to which you need to be aware. Your Rapid Transformational Practitioner may consult with other professional hypnotherapists or Rapid Transformational Practitioners in order to give you the best service. In the event that your Rapid Transformational Practitioner consults with another Rapid Transformational Practitioner or hypnotherapist, no identifying information such as your name would be released. If your Rapid Transformational Practitioner receives a court order or subpoena, they may be required to release some information. In such a case, your Rapid Transformational Practitioner will consult with other professionals and limit the release to only what is necessary by law.

Confidentiality and Group Therapy

The nature of group therapy makes it difficult to maintain confidentiality. If you choose to participate in group therapy, be aware that your Rapid Transformational Practitioner or hypnotherapist cannot guarantee that other group members will maintain your confidentiality. However, your Rapid Transformational Practitioner or hypnotherapist will make every effort to maintain your confidentiality by reminding group members frequently of the importance of keeping what is said in group confidential. Your Rapid Transformational Practitioner or hypnotherapist also has the right to remove any group member from the group should she discover that a group member has violated the confidentiality rule.

Confidentiality and Technology

Some Clients may choose to use technology in their Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) sessions. This includes but is not limited to online RTT via Zoom, Google Meets, email, text, or chat. Due to the nature of online RTT, there is always the possibility that unauthorized persons may attempt to discover your personal information. Your Rapid Transformational Practitioner will take every precaution to safeguard your information but cannot guarantee that unauthorized access to electronic communications could not occur. Please be advised to take precautions with regard to authorized and unauthorized access to any technology used in RTT sessions. Be aware of any friends, family members, significant others, or co-workers who may have access to your computer, phone, or other technology used in your RTT sessions.

Appointments & Cancellation

If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, I ask that you provide me with 48 hours notice via email. If you miss a session without canceling, or cancel with less than 48 hours notice, you will be required to pay for the session (unless we both agree that you were unable to attend due to circumstances beyond your control). In addition, you are responsible for coming to your session on time; if you are late, your appointment will still need to end on time.

Record Keeping

Your Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner may keep records of your sessions and plans which includes goals for your hypnotherapy. These records are kept to assist in maintaining the direction of your sessions and continuity in service. They will not be shared except with respect to the limits to confidentiality discussed in the Confidentiality section. Should the Client wish to have their records released, they are required to sign a release of information which specifies what information is to be released and to whom. Records will be kept for at least 7 years but may be kept for longer. Records will be kept either electronically on a digital storage device or in a paper file and stored in a locked cabinet. Freemind operates predominantly on information in electronic form. As such, it reserves the right, where such release is required, to provide all such information in electronic form only.

Professional Fees

You are responsible for paying at the time of your booking unless prior arrangements have been made. Payment must be made by Paypal, Credit Card, PayPay, Bank transfer or cash.

Use Of Your Contact Details

Freemind will request your email address, phone number and other contact details on our Client Intake Form. You have the right to refuse to divulge such information. By signing this document, you authorize to use your email address and or mobile phone to periodically check in with you to monitor your progress. You further authorize us to use your email address to send newsletters with valuable therapeutic information including wellness advice, and to notify you of events and offers.


To confirm your consent to undertake Rapid Transformational Therapy® or Coaching sessions with Freemind under the terms and conditions detailed within this document tick the box below.

Health Cautions

1. You do not suffer from epilepsy.

2. You do not have a Pacemaker.

3. You have never experienced psychosis.

4. You will be free from the influence of drugs and alcohol during the course of the session.

In Person Sessions

1. You confirm that you have not tested nor been around anyone who tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 7 days.

2. You have not recently returned from any state or country listed as a High Risk site for Covid-19 in the last 7 days.

Virtual Sessions

1. You confirm that the environment around you will be safe and remain distraction free throughout the session.

2. You will ensure that your internet connection is working well and your laptop/computer is plugged in and/or charged for the whole session.

After the Session

1. You confirm that you understand the importance of listening to your personalized transformational recording for at least 1month after the session. The audio recording will be generated for you as part of your session.

2. You understand that you play an active role in the successful outcome of your session and transformation.


You understand I will withdraw myself from a session with IMMEDIATE EFFECT if you are found to be in breach of any of the above, or where a consecutive session cannot be carried out without interruptions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ling Jin

Hypnotherapist/Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner at Freemind

Email: ling@freemind.care

Address: 8F Wind Ebisu Building, 2-4-8 Ebisunishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0021 Japan




Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®)には、利点とリスクがあります。リスクには、悲しみ、罪悪感、不安、怒り、フラストレーション、孤独感、無力感などの不快な感情を経験することが含まれます。RTT®は多くの人に効果があることが示されており、多くの場合、苦痛の感情の大幅な軽減、対人関係の満足度の向上、個人的な気づきや洞察の深まり、ストレスを管理するスキルの向上、特定の問題の解決につながります。しかし、何が起こるかを保証するものではありません。RTT®は、あなたの積極的な参加を必要とし、最も成功するためには、少なくとも1ヶ月間、録音を聴くなど、セッション以外の時間にも私たちが話し合うことに取り組んでいただく必要があります。











1) クライアントまたはクライアントが言及した人物が、クライアントに深刻な危害を加えられる現実的かつ差し迫った危険がある場合;

2) クライアントが重大な犯罪を犯す真正かつ差し迫った意図を持っている;

3) クライアントが子供の重大なネグレクトまたは危害に関与する可能性がある場合。

4) いかなる理由であれ、フリーマインドまたはそのラピッド・トランスフォーメーショ ン・プラクティショナーが、裁判所から正式にそのように指示された場合。


守秘義務にはいくつかの制限がありますので、ご注意ください。Rapid Transformational Practitionerは、あなたに最良のサービスを提供するために、他のプロのヒプノセラピストまたはRapid Transformational Practitionerに相談することがあります。あなたのRapid Transformational Practitionerが他のRapid Transformational Practitionerまたは催眠療法士に相談する場合、あなたの名前など個人を特定する情報は公開されません。あなたのRapid Transformational Practitionerが裁判所命令または召喚状を受け取った場合、その情報を公開するよう要求されることがあります。


グループセラピーの性質上、守秘義務を守ることは困難です。グループセラピーに参加する場合、Rapid Transformational Practitionerまたはヒプノセラピストは、他のグループメンバーがあなたの秘密を保持することを保証できないことに注意してください。しかし、あなたのRapid Transformational Practitionerまたはヒプノセラピストは、グループのメンバーに、グループで話されたことを秘密にすることの重要性を頻繁に思い出させることにより、あなたの秘密を保持するためにあらゆる努力をします。また、あなたのラピッド・トランスフォーメーショナル・プラクティショナーまたはヒプノセラピストは、グループメンバーが守秘義務ルールに違反していることを発見した場合、グループメンバー全員をグループから外す権利を持っています。


クライアントによっては、急速変容療法(RTT)のセッションでテクノロジーを使用することを選択する場合があります。これには、Zoom、Google Meets、Eメール、テキスト、チャットによるオンラインRTTが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。オンラインRTTの性質上、無許可の人があなたの個人情報を見つけようとする可能性が常にあります。Rapid Transformational Practitionerは、あなたの情報を保護するためにあらゆる予防措置を取りますが、電子通信への不正アクセスが起こらないことを保証するものではありません。RTTセッションで使用される技術へのアクセスは、許可されたもの、許可されていないものを問わず、十分ご注意ください。RTTセッションで使用されるコンピューター、電話、その他のテクノロジーにアクセスできる可能性のある友人、家族、大切な人、同僚にご注意ください。




ラピッド・トランスフォーメーショナル・セラピー・プラクティショナーは、あなたのヒプノセラピーの目標を含むセッションとプランの記録を保管することがあります。これらの記録は、あなたのセッションの方向性とサービスの継続性を維持するために保管されます。これらの記録は、守秘義務の項で述べた守秘義務の制限を除いて、共有されることはありません。クライアントが記録の開示を希望する場合は、どのような情報を誰に開示するかを明記した情報開示書に署名する必要があります。記録は少なくとも7年間保存されますが、それ以上保存される場合もあります。記録は、デジタル記憶装置に電子的に保存されるか、または紙ファイルに保存され、施錠されたキャビネットに保管される。 フリーマインドは、主に電子形式の情報に基づいて業務を行っている。そのため、そのような開示が必要な場合、すべての情報を電子形式でのみ提供する権利を留保します。








1. てんかんを患っていないこと。

2. ペースメーカーを使用していないこと。

3. 精神病を経験したことがない。

4. セッション中、薬物やアルコールの影響を受けないこと。


1. 過去14日間にコビット-19の陽性反応が出た人と一緒にいたり、検査を受けたことがないことを確認してください。

2. 過去14日以内に、コビッド-19のハイリスク・サイトに指定されている州または国から帰国していないこと。


1. セッション中、周囲の環境が安全で、気が散らないことを確認します。

2. インターネット接続が良好であること、ラップトップ/コンピューターがセッション中ずっと接続または充電されていることを確認します。



2. あなたは、セッションと変容の成功に積極的な役割を果たすことを理解します。




代表者:金 鈴(ジン リン)

フリーマインド ヒプノセラピスト/RTT®セラピスト


住所:〒150-0021 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西2丁目4番8号ウィンド恵比寿ビル8F