Healing starts from saying goodbye to the past 

Get into the root cause of

Chronic Anxiety, Depression


Childhood Trauma

to your

Authentic Self

Did you know?

When you suppress or can’t understand what your physical sensations are telling you, the body finds other ways to demand your attention: Many trauma survivors develop psychosomatic issues (physical ailments that have no physical cause) such as migraines, neck and back pain, asthma, digestive issues, and chronic fatigue.”
“As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself…The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.
— Quotes from: “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk

A therapy method doesn’t take forever and gives results

  • Goal setting

    What do you want out of the session? Imagine the life without the problem anymore. Setting a goal is key to the success.

  • Detect

    During the session, the first step is to find out the underlying cause of the problems by accessing to the events you’ve been through in your early childhood which often times are traumatic events.

  • Reframe

    The change starts after the detect work. I use RTT original tools to help you make sense of the problem and understand how the problems were affecting your life and then reframe them into your power.

  • Transformation

    Change/New knowledge can be learned from repetition. New beliefs needs to be learned by the brain over and over again to become yours. By listening to the tailor made recording for 1 month, the new belief will become yours naturally.

Why Hypnotherapy?
What’s the difference between Therapy and Coaching?

Imagine that you have so much in your head from your past, and new information keeps coming in on top of that. That new information is coaching and the hypnotherapy that I practice helps you remove the mess from the past. It is a process of organizing your thoughts, your pains, seeks where it is from and then eventually get over it or make peace with it so that you can move on.

So, consider therapy as a prep stage of coaching. Organize your brain first, then put new information in the cleaner brain, your brain will receive it much easier and better.

Have you been told “be positive” so many times, but it just seems not possible to be positive? That’s because you have a block in your head, this block needs to be removed first before everything else wonderful gets in, otherwise, most probably, you’ll relapse, the problem will come back. And that’s because you never properly get into the root cause of the problem.

Only by taking the medicine to cure the symptom is not a thorough solution, you gotta find out the source of the disease and treat accordingly.

This Therapy

is for you If you…

  • want to like and love past, current, future self unconditionally

  • want to feel better in your skin

  • have a habit of repeating: “I have a painful past/childhood, that’s why I am depressed and can’t achieve things”

  • somehow knows that you have been through traumatic events, but have no clue how and why it is affecting your current life

  • know that you need to be positive but just can’t put it into practice

  • are struggling with migraine, chronic shoulder and back pain, other chronic body pain

  • are ready for letting go of the past and committed to make the change for yourself

Hi Beautiful Souls,

I’m Ling

I’m a hypnotherapist and a holistic living coach.

I grew up in a family where my father physically abused my mother and my mother tried to kill herself several times. My father left home when I was 10 and never came back. One day, I became a problematic kid at school. It was not the worst childhood but definitely not a happy one which had been impacting my life in a negative way for such a long time. From what I’ve been through, I formed a belief that I was never enough and I was supposed to be a disappointment for my family, my job, my partner, friends. And I believed that my life was never going to be a happy one. I always thought that I deserved pain, suffering, punishment… I constantly changed jobs, changed partners, I was a shopaholic, had PMDD, low self esteem, anger issues, anxiety, depression, the list can go on and on. In one sentence, I felt so much pain.

I somehow knew that my childhood trauma had something to do with my life, but I just couldn’t connect the dots until I learned RTT®. I tried Yoga, Taichi, Dancing, Coaching sessions… And it did work in some way, but just couldn’t solve the problem from the root because I always relapsed.

RTT® really helped me get to the root cause of my problem and I finally felt that I’m getting over it, my past. It was a feeling that I could never forgot, so intense, so insightful, so liberating. Now, life still brings challenges to me, but I got to an understanding that I gotta enjoy every taste of it because it is all about experience. Experiencing the full taste of sweet, salty, sour, bitter, spicy hot in life.

I decided to become a therapist from that moment because I want to help people in pain. That became my mission and passion.


  • Ling studied Psychology at university in China

  • Ling holds Master’s degree in Sociology/ Anthropology at Keio University in Japan

  • Ling worked at International companies in Japan - Accenture, Pernod Ricard, Shutterstock, experienced Digital consulting, Digital marketing, SaaS Sales.

My clients’ words


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